Frequently Asked Questions About Koh Chang Taxi & Transfers
Are your rates to/from Koh Chang total?
Yes, our rates are all-inclusive, covering the entire journey from your pick-up location to your hotel or drop-off point in Koh Chang. The price includes tolls, taxes, gas, child seats (if requested).
Where do you meet customers?
GATES 5 is the meeting point for international flights and area between GATES 11 and GATES 12 is the meeting point for domestic flights at Don Muang airport.
We meet 100 meters from EXIT of U-Tapao airport near 7/11 store.
How much does taxi from Bangkok airport Suvarnabhumi to Koh Chang cost?
A standard sedan from Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) to Koh Chang costs 3,499 THB for sedan + ferry tickets (~100 THB/pax)
How much is a taxi from Bangkok to Koh Chang taxi?
A private taxi from central Bangkok to Koh Chang costs 3,699 THB for sedan + ferry tickets (~100 THB/pax)
How much does taxi from Pattaya to Koh Chang cost?
The cost of a taxi from Pattaya to Koh Chang is 3,099 THB for sedan + ferry tickets (~100 THB/pax)
How much does a taxi from Don Mueang Airport (DMK) to Koh Chang cost?
A private transfer from Don Mueang Airport (DMK) to Koh Chang is available for 3,799 THB for sedan + ferry tickets (~100 THB/pax)
How much is a taxi from Utapao Airport (UTP) to Koh Chang?
A private taxi from Utapao Airport (UTP) to Koh Chang costs 3,099 THB for sedan + ferry tickets (~100 THB/pax)
How much does a taxi from Bangkok Airport to the piers for Koh Chang (Ao Thammachat, Center Point) cost?
The cost of a taxi from Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) to the ferry piers near Laem Ngop (Ao Thammachat or Center Point) is 2,999 THB for sedan.
How much does a taxi from Bangkok Airport to Laem Ngop (pier for Koh Mak) cost?
A private taxi from Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) to Laem Ngop, the pier for ferries to Koh Mak, costs 3,199 THB for sedan. From Laem Ngop, you can purchase ferry tickets to Koh Mak at the pier.
How much does a taxi from Bangkok Airport to Laem Sok (pier for Koh Kood) cost?
The cost of a taxi from Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) to Laem Sok, the pier for Koh Kood, is 3,499 THB for sedan. At Laem Sok, you can buy your ferry tickets to Koh Kood.